The TV curse
Steph, our equipment manager will tell you i am very superstitious. I have a routine that has to be the same before every game we play. My routine at home will always be the same. Eating my pre match meal at a certain time and making sure i take a shower to feel fresh and alive for the game at a certain time. I have to have my red wrist band on to play. I have to make sure i have a L (left) and a R (right) sock, not 2 L's that nearly happened last game(that would have been bad). I have to have my can of red bull just at the right time when Tony starts to do his pre game team talk. I always have to be on Anglea Hucles right hand side when we warm up, and finally i have to make sure i do 2 sprints before the whistle blows to start the game.
After all this i am ready to go. I am ready to play and ready to run and i am ready to hustle, oh my gosh i am turning into an American, ha (way to hustle Alex,hehe).
Anyway i mention my routine because my word, i feel like i am doing it a lot at the moment. I feel like i am playing in a competition not in a league because at the moment we are in the middle of playing four games in 11 days, this schedule normally happens if you play in World Cups and European Championships. What do you do to be ready to play in all these games...... LOOK AFTER YOUR BODY..... Your recovery in between these games is the most important thing ever. Straight after the game i will plunge myself into an ice bath (ice,ice, baby) the ice feels sooooooo good on your legs when you have just run your socks off, and your muscles if they could show emotions would be for sure non stop crying and telling you no more..... stop playing Alex. So the ice makes them feel good. Then after a nice refreshing shower, its straight into my skins (skins are a form of tighter than tight tights) These will act as a pumping mechanism for your muscles, the skins help your muscles flush through all the lactic acid which means once again a quicker form of recovery. We get given these through our nation team because recovery is key there, but we have skins that only cover our legs.
This is where i have to mention Heather Mitts who has now also got in on this trend, but has taken it one step further then the brits, not only did she get her sponsor to send her the leg ones, she got her sponsor to send her a full body one. Not only was it so funny watching her trying to get into this thing, but once she had it on, its like she was a robot that needed oiling because she could not walk this outfit was so tight,ha. I bet her and her fiance AJ who is in town had fun trying to get that thing off (how funny).
The next day will also be a light recovery session, lots of stretching and light jogging. More ice ice baby, and eating a whole lot of food, carbs and protein so your body has all the energy and fuel it needs to run for 90 minutes like Forrest Gump (run forest run, i love that film).
We have played two games so far, against St Louis and FC gold pride only gaining 1 point. This is shocking I know, but hey 1 point is a baby step in the right direction. The 2nd half of the FC gold pride game was the best we have played since i can last remember and maybe should have finished the game off, but WOW, the 1st half was embarrassing. It was women against girls out there. It was like when your 1st team plays a reserve team and you tell the 1st team they have to play 2 touch, Yes folks thats how bad we played. The postive is though, coach Tony wanted a reaction and in the 2nd half he got it. So now we build on that and we go again against Chicago, who let me remind you folks, because i am still feeling the hurt from that game, whooped our butts 4 - 0 last time, so this really is revenge match.
Im looking forward to seeing my national team mate Karen JULIA Carney, who is also my roommate when travel with the national team, but wont catch up with her until after the game, when we beat you karen,haha.
The title of my blog is the TV curse. I really do think something is going on here. Out of the four games we have had on Fox Soccer we have lost 3 and drew 1. We are still awaiting that all important win! Why Boston why do we have to have this curse? If anyone is reading this and can lift this curse from us, please work your magic, I think our next TV game is when we play home to Sky blue, so i am going to keep my fingers crossed and hope someone has helped out by then and this will be the one where the Fox Soccer cameras will be there to see us celebrate,yah!!!
Talking about camera's, I have also turned my eye to directing, (wink, wink). I came up with the idea to have some in team friendly competition, so every other week i have to come up with challenges to set the team and see who wins......Well no big surprise who won my 1st competition.............?????????? Well i cannot tell you because you need to go onto our Boston breakers website to see for yourself. We attempted the crossbar challenge, out of the whole team, 1 person managed to hit it (maybe i should have given the team another go - you have to watch Coach Tony's attempt (Tony this was a let down!).
As well as it being busy on the field both myself and Kelly Smith have been busy off it, Kelly's parents have been in town for the last 10 days also staying at our apartment. One night Kelly's mum made us a home made roast dinner( i miss my Sunday roasts) this is a traditional English meal that most people have on a Sunday. I think in America you will sit down and have this kind of meal for the 4th july, meat, potatoes, veg, stuffing etc, a BIG feast, mmmmm its lovely.
Also our national team manger came into town for 3 days to see our game against FC Gold Pride. She will also be in Chicago to see her 3 English players battle it out there too. Kelly and I took her out for dinner at the top of the Prudential Center (top of the hub). Trust me to go there when i am scared of heights plus eating dinner on the 52nd floor (where's the knowledge in that,ha). We talked about all our stories off being here for the last 3 months and she actually seemed really interested,(hehe only messing coach Powell). so for us the last couple of weeks have flown by having all these guests and showing them the sights of Boston. I will now be charging small fees for my qualified knowledge and my tour guide expertise. Just ask for TOUR GUIDE Scott !!!
But for now its off to the airport tomorrow for my favorite thing of all time........ FLYING (HELP!!!)Until next week, thank you for reading your England Boston Breaker Alex Scott
By Alex Scott
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